Friday, December 23, 2005

Open Faucet

This is how I found out that my friend is incontinent. A few years ago, we went to a fundraiser dinner. It was a hot summer night so after dinner, I took my shoes off to do the two step with her. After a while, my friend said,

"I'm going to the washroom. I need to clean up."

"I'll come with you. Someone just spilled pop or water on the floor. I'm stepping all over it."

In the washroom, she used the cubicle and I rinsed my feet in the sink. She said,

"That wasn't pop on the floor."

"It was weird. I was dancing on a dry floor and the next thing I know, it's wet."

"That was me."

"I didn't even notice you holding water the whole time we were dancing."

"I wasn't. I've had a problem with bladder control for a few years now. I peed the floor."

"You mean I was dancing in your pee?"

This week, I have a cough and fever. When I cough, I wet myself. I was telling The Man this. He laughed and said,

"You're spoiling my fantasy of the idealized you."

I can't live on fantasy right now. I need to be grounded in reality to deal with my problem. So I talked to my incontinent friend. She said she now wears a pad full time. She's younger than me.

My mother is also incontinent but she's in denial. She can't hold it. When she has to go, she has to go. She says she won't drink water before she goes out, and wherever she goes, she'll be near a washroom, so no problem. Except a couple of weeks ago when she went out and on the way home she had to go, so it came whether she was ready or not, and she had to crouch in a neighbour's hedge to finish her stream, then went swish swish swish home to clean up.

I am only at the stage where I spill when I cough and sneeze. But I hate being old enough to acknowledge incontinence is not just the subject of Depends jokes any more. I wonder if there is a dignified perspective on this problem.


Anonymous said...

There medication for this, but it has side effects. I'd rather wear an adult diaper

PP said...

I went for my annual Pap test on Thursday and during the exam my astute family doctor said "you have the beginnings of a cystocele, but it's only grade 1". A cystocele is a prolapse of the bladder, forms an outcropping between the urethra and vagina. Pulls the urethra down and causes incontinence. There are three grades. Grade 1 is what I have, sometimes when I've really got to go and as I am getting my pants off, I find I have trouble not starting too soon. Usually I make it but on occasion, the stream starts too early and I can't stop it.

Grade 2 is what Flavours has. Stress incontinence. Leaking during abdominal stress such as coughing or laughing.

Grade 3 is Mom. Spontaneous leaking.

The treatment at Grade 1 is kegel exercises, lots and lots of them. Treatment at Grade 2 is more kegels and estrogen creams (since it's often related to tissue atrophy from menopause). A simple surgical stitch might also do the trick.

Treatment at Grade 3 is a bladder sling, inserted by a gynecological surgeon.

My family doctor said she knows a particularly excellent gynecologist who deals with this, if you'd like a referral.

I suggest you add kegels to your exercise routine. Another muscle failing with age, and child birth, needing our attention.

It is a new perspective on turning 40 for me. At a Christmas party yesterday a male friend of mind was lamenting having had to do a stress test and some blood work for cholesterol. I told him it could be worse, he could be a woman facing a future of incontinence in addition to needing a stress test and blood screening.

This year marks my acquisition of bifocals and the onset of a cystocele. I guess my perspective is that this is the cost of aging. All things have good and bad aspects to them. I love having attained the substantive age of 40, I accept my bifocals, cystocele and stretch marks. I will adapt to it and use whatever technology is available to help me adapt to it.

You might consider seeing a surgeon. In the meantime, kegels aren't so bad. I've established a commuting routine where I contract the muscles and hold between stations. I'm doing them right now as I type.

Get to that stripper stage where you can blow out a candle with your vaginal muslces and The Man will no longer be interested in idealizing you, he will idolize you.

The Sylph said...

So is this a hereditary condition or is it because we lead similarly sedentary lives? My gynecologist didn't mention cystocele. She said my uterus is falling and I should definitely do kegels. Only, I can't seem to do them without holding my breath and my butt as well.

A blue angel is when you blow out a candle with a fart. What is it called when you blow out a candle with your vagina? Where is the force of air coming from?

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a strip club routine often refered to in the trade as a Peeler Palace Pleasantry, a Blaze Starr Lights Out, a Full Monty Supremo, a Burlesque Blowout, a Tickle Me Tammy, a Curfew Crouch, or, laterally, simply a table dance with a "Whoo ha!" ending.

The Sylph said...

Seen a lot of "whoo ha" endings, eh? No wonder you're never home when I call.