Friday, January 27, 2006

On The Street Where I Live - 8

The Swat Team

There have been two Swat teams on my street. The first time it came, I was walking to the library. Suddenly, the street filled with police cars and men in helmets. Uniformed men with guns ushered me off the street.

"What's going on?" I asked. No one would answer me. A police officer just told me to stay away because they were sealing off the street. I walked around the block and came to the top of the street where all the action seemed to be. There were helmetted officers brandishing guns behind trees, standing in between houses, kneeling beside cars. The target of their overt attention was a tenanted house.

I knew this because as I was watching the activities, a TV cameraman told me so. Then he asked me if I wanted to be on TV and make a comment about what I know of that house. I said, "Hell no. I don't want one of those."

A few minute later, they brought out a fat woman, slovenly in a hot pink furry housecoat and long platinum blond hair, and a fat, belly exposed, scruffy, snarly man with a mullet and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. God, do they have to look so stereotypical? These two sat and talked with two cops in the police cruiser. The swat team was still staked out at their posts. Maybe from inside the cruiser, these two couldn't see the cops with the guns and helmets. After a while, the woman came out of the car and went back inside. The crusier drove off with the fat man. After that, the whole swat team came out of hiding, got into their unmarked cars and drove away.

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