Tuesday, December 13, 2005


My iBook was almost out of RAM. So I looked into getting more. They said I'd have to buy either a 256 RAM for $348 or 520 RAM for $550 to replace the mere 128 I have. After that, I'd have a 128 RAM sitting outside my iBook doing nothing. So I thought, what's using up all my RAM? It's my music of course. So I burned most of my songs to disk and now I am back up to over 2 Gigs on my computer. See. More computer is not the solution.

The Boy and I have launched on a secret project. I am excited about it. It's a mother and son thing. But The Boy and I have a pact. We won't talk about it till it's done. But it's so hard for me to keep a secret. I told The Man we have this secret. But every time I try to tell it to him, he won't listen - la la la la la how're the Blue Jays doing?

I am the new Anita Bryant, orange juice lady, minus the beauty pageant and anti-gay thing. Our local high school sells crates and crates of oranges as a fundraiser at Christmas. I bought a small box of 50 last year. They were the sweetest juicers I have ever had. This year, I was keen to get another box. It arrived today. The deceptively derelict looking oranges are even better than last year's. I shall be bringing freshly squeezed orange juice wherever I go, I shall serve freshly squeezed orange to whoever steps through my door. And on Christmas morning, The Boy and I will have freshly squeezed orange juice and oysters for breakfast. That will be our Christmas ritual.

At our Christmas dinner, we shall sing. My four-year-old neice was sick today so I stayed with her. She told me princesses are her favourite thing in the world. I asked if her best buddy, Lily, also likes princesses. She said, "No. Lily likes Bob Marley things. I don't even know what Bob Marleys are." Later, she broke into song, singing Three Little Birds. I said, "That's a Bob Marley song." She said, "Okay, let's sing it." We managed little bits of the song. So we made a plan. At our Christmas dinner, we will sing. We will sing three songs: Three Little Birds, Let it Snow and Jingle Bell Rock. Now I have to get The Boy to learn them on keyboard.


Anonymous said...

You have to differentiate ram from hard drive space. I think your software applications and operating system was using up all it's pitiful allottment of 128MB and then it uses the swap file on the hard disk to mimic ram. This can really slow things down. If your hard disk is almost filled to capacity packed full of songs you never really ever listen to like it is on my hard drive, then reading from and writing to the hard drive will also be very slow. With 2 bottlenecks to contend with, you must be drifting off to sleep waiting and waiting and waiting for your computer to do anything. If this was your initial problem which initiated the query into the price of RAM, then I think your freeing up 2 Gigs of hard drive space is only a temporary solution. I think you need extra RAM. Real RAM. Hard core RAM. The stuff that will make your computer zip along like snoopy on skis crashing head long into old Charlie Brown. 128MB is nothing these days. It might be worth the investment to up it to 520MB of RAM.

Why did'nt The Boy approach his uncles and aunts to buy these deliciously described delicacies of orange hue. I'd have picked up a box. Save some for us on Christmas eve.

Sparky said...

To expand on the discussion, RAM is like the engine in your car, more RAM equals bigger engine. Hard disk space is like your passenger compartment or trunk, the bigger it is, the more you can put in there.

Your iBook with 128 MB of RAM was mildly alright under OS 9. Under OS X, it does not have enough horsepower to run. RAM is pretty cheap these days. I suspect you were over-quoted at CPUsed. Bumping your laptop up to 512 MB of RAM should cost around $200, maybe $225 is they have to be paired.

Let me look after this for you, if you are serious. Just let me know.

The Sylph said...

You're right, it's more hard disk space I needed, of which I have over 2 G now that I have burned my songs to disk. My built-in RAM is 128, but I bought extra when I bought the iBook. I have 256 RAM. I wonder why CPUsed told me I needed more RAM when I described my need. Maybe on Macs, RAM and hard disk are interchangeable.

The Sylph said...

The Boy's school didn't sell oranges. The Boy's friend's school down the street sold them. I benefitted by being an approachable mom.

Sparky said...

If you need an external FireWire Hard Drive, I've got an extra one at work that I can offer to you. It's got 40 Gigs of space. Just let me know.