Saturday, September 16, 2006

Knock Knock

I knocked on every single door on my street yesterday, to hand deliver an invitation to a coffee party at my house to meet our candidate for city council.

Our street has about 110 houses. The amazing thing is, I know someone in every second house. The people I don't know moved here in the last year or so, or I really just don't know them despite having been neighbours for 20 years. But everyone was so friendly and so happy to receive my invitation, saying they will come. Which makes me worry about the size of the party next week.

The campaign organizer suggested that if we send out 100 flyers, we will probably get 5 or 6 people to come. If we are really lucky, we'd get up to 20. I'm thinking more like 60 people could come to the house over the two hours of the meet-and-greet. Gosh, on a warm summer evening, easily 10 people drop in to say hi.

Well, sure. They're neighbours after all. Why not have them visit me for such a good reason. I've promised cranberry muffins and coffee. I have to perfect my recipe for that and for chocolate chip cookies.

Good thing I won't be on my flush program next week.

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