Friday, September 15, 2006

Flush Or Lush?

I've lost 4 lbs so far on my fat flush. The regiment requires that I eat or drink vegetables almost every hour. Three times a day, I also eat a 3-oz serving of protein. I have not been religiously strict, demanding the occasional cookie or bite of dessert.

But that's just part of the adjustment and practice. Instead of downing two slices of pizza, I just had a nibble, instead of eating two big scoops of ice cream, I just have a spoonful. Last night, I made cranberry muffins and didn't eat any. I am so pleased with myself.

While on this flush, I am hungry a lot. Not starving. Just that little discomfort that makes you reach for chips while you make dinner. So now, I've learned to let this feeling pass or nibble on a carrot.

What I realize is, I reach out for junk food alot. I eat way more than I need at one sitting. In just a few days of being on this flush, my stomach has shrunk. When I went to dinner last night, I only had a single appetizer of sashimi. That's pure protein, a little more than I was allowed, but fits right in my flush plan. Amazingly, I was full on it. In dinners past, I would have followed with a main course and dessert, then waddled out the restaurant, complaining of being over-stuffed.

I am beginning to think maybe I'll stick to this kind of flush eating and abandon my lush ways. I mean, when I come off the flush, I can eat bread and sweets again, but not so often and not in such huge quantities. Right now anyway, I am thinking I'll stick to a relaxed flush plan till I lose 30 lbs.

I wonder if this is lunacy thinking driven by deprivation of nutrients to the brain.

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