Saturday, September 09, 2006

Another Bloodbath

When we had our Manitoba Maple cut down, The Man insisted on leaving a stump of four feet sticking out of the ground, against my urging to cut the trunk close to its base. It's now six weeks later. He's decided the stump sticking out of the ground doesn't serve a purpose and is an eye sore.

He and Friend With Chain Saw went to work at removing the stump today. There is a massacred tree step where the stump used to be. Wood chips all over the yard like spilt blood from the tree.

We now have to get rid of the wood and I will not have a Fall planting season. I guess I'll cancel that Fall garden party I was going to have.

Is there a bright side to this?

One day, perhaps in the next few years, I will have a nice garden now that the garbage and dangerous growth is gone.

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