Friday, July 14, 2006

Bail Now

Married life is for the hardy - hard of heart and hard of mind.

In a good mood once, I proposed a road trip to PEI. I want to do this trip, but now I'm not sure I want to do it with my family. In my idyllic fantasy, I have us set out with the spirit of adventure, laughing in the car as we drive, camping under an incredible clear sky, taking in a B&B here and there, eating great seafood, doing lots of nature hikes, and swimming on the shores of Anne's land.

As soon as I close my eyes, I hear The Man complain about being uncomfortable in a tent, the hotel accommodation isn't luxurious enough, he just wants to sit at a cafe or see a movie instead of walking on another trail, he'll want to buy things we don't need. The Boy will complain he's bored, he's seen one tide come in, no need to see any more, and Halifax is just another hick town where life shouldn't exist in the first place.

I am dreading this trip with them. My head pounds, my shoulder pulses. My body is telling me bail now. I don't want two weeks of whining and complaining. And there are all these things we give up by going now. Everything tells me to delay the trip.

I really just want to laze somewhere with my girlfriends and do nothing right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To hell with the man and the boy I state this at great risk of wrath from my brother but when you get there take in the sun, the smell of the ocean and ultimately the ocean itself. PEI is truley a magical place only for those who can close their eyes and absorb the atmosphere.Pitch your tent, stand your ground and go swimming. (eat a lobster or two) xxoo