Wednesday, July 26, 2006

And Away We Go

It really looks like we'll leave for PEI in the morning. 6 am. That's the plan anyway. I've had the delays I needed, now I just want to go and have fun.

A three-week outing, just the three of us. I am concerned about lack of energy, and the fact that every time I leave town, someone in my family ends up in Emergency. The Man thinks we need to build in alone time on the trip. Agreed. The Boy doesn't want too much historical tours and arguments. Agreed. We all aim to have a blast. Agreed.

I am leaving behind my mother, who is in the midst of an allergic reaction to her new cholestoral medication. What can I do for her when she's already in the capable care of Sis the doctor and Bro Bro the pharmacist? Maybe to accompany her to appointments if needed.

We leave The Boy's voiceover project. The studio has asked for our itinerary in case they need to fly out to meet us and do some more recording.

The Boy's friend, Jock, who has proven to be a most charming and articulate boy, will look after the house and plants for us. I have every confidence he will prove to be capable and responsible.

I leave two projects on hold. One to host a gathering to introduce our electoral candidate to our neighbours. We want her to unseat the current councillor at City Hall in November. The other to help promote and organize a dinner for an Asian scholarship.

I turned down an invitation to do an art course at the Haliburton School of the Arts because I'll be away.

Oh dear, I still sense some reluctance to go. I wonder why.

But maybe I'll get to visit internet cafes and write about my trip down east. Okay, let's go.

1 comment:

Sparky said...

Have a safe journey! Travelling across Canada is something that I look forward to doing down the road. It's great to be in a different locale and still be in Canada and be with Canadians. This is our country! Our land! Experience it! Enjoy!