Saturday, July 01, 2006

Whuppies 'R Us

Whuppies - white-haired urban professtionals are the new Yuppies, because they are no longer young. In fact, they have mellowed, in a nice way, and I like them much better now that they have ripened. Yuppies in their prime bothered me. They were too cocky, too preoccupied with material aquisition and the display of good taste. Fraser Crane, in a fit of annoyance, called them "trend-sucking dilettantes". But as whuppies, they wear their experience as confidence, not flaunt their success to boost confidence.

Yup, I like whuppies. Them and those soccer players I keep seeing on TV.

I went to my new favourite restaurant The Rushton last night. The place was full of whuppies, still trim of body and bright of mind. But I know it's their still bushy but white hair that I find sexy. It's like watching those soccer players - they are long and graceful and they move with the wind permanently in their hair.

I went to the restaurant with The Man and our neighbours, Architect and his Doctor wife. I know darn well Doctor and I dye our hair, and we look younger than our years. But Architect and The Man don't. I've walked by The Rushton often, seeing the gathering of whuppies in there and told myself, If I am lucky, I will season well like them, but I don't want to be one of them yet. But when I sat down at the table last night with my dinner companions, I looked around and thought, My god, my neighbour is one of them. What's more, I am married to one.

I hadn't counted on entering whuppydom so soon.

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