Monday, March 20, 2006

Life On My Own

March break is over. The Boy has gone back to school. My work stint is over. I am trying to re-establish a home routine for myself.

But first, I have to clean the house. Not because I've been all that negligent in housekeeping while working for Bro Bro. It's more because the house feels like we hosted Warhammer camp the whole week, with several overnight stays. The last of the battles took place last night. I am now finding food, dishes, garbage and mysterious clothing things where they shouldn't be. The mess culminated this morning with The Boy running into the kitchen and discreetly slipping a container of moldy lunch on the counter and dashing back out.

I just picked up a whole load of dirty laundry off the floor of his room. And whose shoes are those? Did someone go home in his socks only?

I also have to get our car licence plate renewed today. But I have to bail out the renewal plate by paying all the parking fines accumulated over the year. That's almost $400 worth of parking fines The Man racked up. Not so bad this year because he was gone for part of the year. One year, he had to pay over $500 in parking fines to get rid of the warrant for his arrest before he could get the plate renewed.

And then there is the gym. Can I get in there and be back in time to make dinner before my brother-in-law comes over for dinner and Scrabble tonight? I better get going. I hear the bed calling me back in. Must fight the urge to stay in bed, watch TV and eat bon bons...

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