Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Want A Wife

This work thing takes up a lot of time. My house is less kept, my laundry piles high, my dinner plans are very loose.

In my twenties, before I was married, when I only had myself to take care of, I worked, lived on my own, and did university part time. I remember wishing at the time I had a wife. Someone who takes care of my living environment. That is, someone who cooks, cleans, loves and admires me unconditionally, and leaves me free to pursue the creative side of life. Not a mother. That hasn't been my experience with my mother.

Then in my thirties, I got married and worked and had a child. I wished then too that I had a proper wife. I certainly wasn't one. I had to work and take care of my family. I wanted a wife to take care of me.

Now, I am just working for a few weeks for Bro Bro. It's nice being with him. The work is mindless, the environment friendly. I am not able to help him as much as his regular assistant, but I think he'd rather have me around than no one around. Or more accurately, he'd rather have me around than a really thick person who just don't get it. Still, as his friend said one day when he phoned, You're there to bond, aren't you?

Despite that, I miss the time I had to myself, even though I often complained my days were too unstructured. And because I'm not home during the day, I wish again I had a wife at home to take care of the house, The Boy and me, and who loves and admires me unconditionally. But most of all, to take care of the house and do the cooking and laundry. In short, someone who takes care of my living environment, leaving me free to pursue the more creative side of life.

Have my needs really not changed that much after all these years, or are there just some elemental wishes one has all the time regardless of one's age and circumstances in life?

1 comment:

PP said...

I have had a wife since my ex and I separated. Last week we had discussions about the cost of the wife, his refusal to pay half unless she also provides wifely duties at his apartment. I asked the wife. She wants to quit now. She wants to find a single family to work for full time, not divide her working hours being a wife in three homes.

So now I am looking for a new, part-time wife or re-thinking. Can I live without a wife?

No, I can't. I'm addicted to her wifely services. My kids are in school full-time and still, I can't give up my wife. Every working person needs a wife.