Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am like an old man, coughing and spitting up phlegm. At least I spit into a tissue and not on the ground. But I tell ya, the temptation is great to hold a contest with my neighbours to see who can spit the farthest.

Cold within and cold without. I am not having a good week. But here's this week's epiphany: whether I am sick or well, my activities don't change much. What I do day to day matters not a whole lot to anyone right now. My destiny is absolutely in my hands.

I asked my heart, How do I want to spend my time then? To my surprise, I answered, I want to draw, paint, and write. Then I was surprised that I was surprised.

Last night, I went down to the basement and looked for my drawing materials. I found my art books and art supplies. No exaggerating, my hands trembled and my heart fluttered when I picked up my sketch pad and supplies bag. I brought them upstairs and laid them out on the table.

Today, my supplies and I stare at each other every time I pass by. Settling down is not one of my strengths. Instead, I take out my new lithium battery powered cordless drill and examine the parts. I take out the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the house. I make oxtail stew and eat it. And now that I think of it, I have to do laundry and clean the window blinds. The blinds haven't been cleaned in months.

I know, avoidance.

Here I go then...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you go out and make a painting or drawing of 61 Brunswick ave. Some details of the house are interesting and needs special your attention. When done you can show it on the blog. If you put your love into it , I might buy it.

The Sylph said...

Ah, always so thoughtful and encouraging. Well, let's see what I do. Thanks for the push.