Wednesday, January 30, 2008

That's How It Is

It is Wednesday. I am still eating leftovers from Sunday dinner. How can this be? I planned and made all the food, dinner was at my house, how come still so much leftover? Am I hard-wired to forever overdo food?

But let's not blame me. For one thing, there were ten of us for dinner. That silly mother of mine, she ate before she came over. Bro and Waif had a late lunch and a big one at that. Still, I thought everyone ate their share despite that.

Then there was dessert. I planned to serve our Christmas pudding. But Sis said she would bring a dessert, and Bro phoned to say he would also bring one. Not wanting to have too many desserts, I didn't steam the Christmas pudding.

But Sis arrived without dessert. Bro brought a pan of creme caramel, and corn bread. I decided to steam the Christmas pudding. Later, Sis went out to drop Big Young'Un off at the train station. Before heading back, she phoned to see if she should bring more dessert. I said no no no. But she offered chocolate peanut butter ice cream from Baskin Robbins. She was already at the ice cream shop. What could I do? Yes yes yes to chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

Meanwhile, The Boy brought out raspberry sherbert and chocolate ice cream for Kid1 and Kid2. Where did the raspberry sherbert come from? Oh I picked it up when I was out because I knew the kids were coming, said The Boy.

Then in walked Sis with chocolate peanut butter ice cream, pralines and cream ice cream, and 12 butter tarts, and an apple cake. And my Christmas pudding was ready. And Bro's creme caramel was delicious. And don't forget the organic chocolate animal crackers Waif insisted on bringing. Then Bro said, You could cut up the pineapple I brought. I didn't.

After dinner, everyone left. I sent six butter tarts, the apple cake, and animal crackers home with Sis. Mom took some food home. The Boy doesn't like leftovers and is not fond of the chicken or salmon I made.

So here I am on Wednesday, still eating leftovers.

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