Friday, January 25, 2008

Totally Solo

The Boy has been studying with his friends. Last night, he was preparing for his band performance exam at Henry's. I met them at a restaurant for dinner, then The Boy spent the night at Henry's where they continued practising their various percussion pieces for the exam.

I was home alone for the night. But before bed, I had a pot of green tea. Green tea has a higher caffeine content than coffee. I was an insomniac all night. I read my books and played on the computer till 5:00 a.m.!

Despite being a wreck today, I spent an enjoyable and productive day clearing out my drawers of garbage papers and organizing my files. But toward the end of the day, I was getting lonely.

In the early evening, The Boy came home. Immediately, he arranged with his friends to spend the evening together in celebration of the end of this round of exams. We had dinner and now, he's getting ready to go to Butterfly Boy's for the night.

Now, do I have a husband and son or not? Is all this alone time good for me? Is this how it would be if I were in jail and put in solitary confinement? Ooh, the drama queen is restless.

But what this bout of solitude makes me appreciate more are my mother and mother-in-law. I have to give them a lot of credit for keeping busy when the nest is empty and they became widows. And I am so very glad The Man has a social circle to have dinner with and watch movies with.

Maybe that's why I try to see my mother at least once a week. Because really, if I were in her shoes, I can easily imagine slipping away and disappearing if I don't make the effort to connect with others and if no one outside the house bothers to keep in touch with me.

I just invited mom and my siblings over for Sunday dinner.

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