Wednesday, January 02, 2008


My god, it's -17C in Huntsville right now. With the wind chill, it feels like -22C, so say the weather forecast. Tonight, we are expecting -25C.

Good thing we got in some skiing and tubing before this cold.

Today, The Boy's friends left. But a friend of The Man's, Bruce, joined us. It's good to see different friends through out the week. But the big decision I have to make is whether to sell our timeshare ownership at a huge loss.

The Boy refuses to go with us anywhere. We were lucky this week because two of his friends were willing to come up. The Man hates being at a resort. I don't know why. Something about it defining who he is and he is not a timeshare kind of guy. I say going to a resort is just one kind of vacation. It's a chance to hole up once a year and do nothing more than go for walks, go to the gym, go swimming, go skiing, and read. But maybe he is just looking for things to complain about.

After dinner, I was explaining to Bruce why I was thinking of getting rid of our timeshare. The Man jumped in and said, "Don't get rid of it. Why would you want to do that?" Huh? What's his attachment? I can't keep making arrangements for us to go on resort vacations only to have him complain about the accommodations being not good enough and The Boy whining about being away from his friends.

Maybe this is the part they enjoy: the three of them are playing Scategories in front of the TV. They can't beat The Boy. There is some fighting and blowing up movie on. They are laughing and being silly.

I am at an impasse with my decision, stuck, frozen in this deep freeze.

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