Thursday, June 15, 2006

Perfectly Timed

Cousin Kiki has been gone for less than half a day and already I miss her. It feels like we've been partying at the house non-stop since Saturday. Sil's husband dubbed her my "domestic partner for a couple of weeks".

This time around, Kiki helped me cut back the gnarly cedars, so overgrown they threatened to cast our garden in eternal darkness; she drew my attention to the giant crack in the Manitoba Maple, thereby saving surrounding houses from irreparable damage and possible loss of lives; she inspired the Wishing Rod, unleashing a flood of creative ideas in me; she showed me how to nip my neighbour's succulent plants and strike them (ha ha, I would never even have used words like these); she provided structure, stability and companionship that enabled me to get on with some of my projects, she gave reason for The Boy and I to see more of cousins from The Man's side of the family; she allowed me to share in the joy and trepidation about her activities.

I think we share a similar approach to life: While we appreciate order and planning, we don't let the details bog us down.

Too bad she doesn't like shoe shopping.

Like her last visit, she showed up this time like a perfectly timed dose of fertilizer for me. Who am I to question why things happen the way they do?

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