Friday, June 02, 2006

Anyone Tracking Our Minutes?

It's been fun these last few days.

The Boy ran for vice president of the student council and got elected. He did a rap on stage at the school assembly as his election speech, sound effects, dance movements and all. The way he tells it, cheering went on non-stop and teachers had to calm the students down. The 2-minute rap stretched to a 5-minute performance because of the screaming and cheering. After his win was announced over the P.A. system, he walked by a musical theatre class in progress where two of his friends were, the class applauded his win.

At home on MSN, congrats poured in from his friends and supporters. The Boy was bathing in glory.

Yesterday morning, he said, "Mom, now that I am v.p., can you drive me to the subway?"

I said, "No. And you still have to take out the garbage." He did. It was garbage day after all and it is his job to take out the garbage. It's my job to keep him grounded.

Cousin Kiki is staying with us. She's presenting at a multi-media conference at the university. One of the cable TV stations invited her on their show and taped a 7-minute interview to talk about her art. I was in the studio with her to lend moral support. It was her first TV appearance. How wonderful for her that she received some funding from the Austalian government to present her work in Canada and she brings back a TV segment. The program also airs in Australia. She was well-spoken and interesting.

And now, I'm off to the soccer festival head office. Why? Well, I've got some on-air minutes my way too. The CBC is filming festival organizers making festival preparation. The segment airs on today's 6 pm local news. My friend phoned to say they need bodies. I am a body. So I agreed to go. Need to head out now. See you on the 6 o'clock news!

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