Monday, April 07, 2008


I am home and I am just reflecting on the weird things that happened.

My menstrual cycle's been irregular in the last year, but still around five weeks. Before I left for Indonesia, I had my period, it seemed one week early as I had one four weeks before that. But I was happy because it meant I wouldn't have my period during my vacation. I spent 17 days in Indonesia. On the flight home, in midair, my period came again. It's like I didn't have a period just three weeks ago. How does my body know to not bleed during my vacation?

In Jakarta, The Man gave me a stack of money to hold. Later, I gave him the money back, keeping 300,000 Rupiah for myself in case I came cross more shopping even though it didn't look like we had time. On my last night, I gave The Man all my leftover Rupiahs but I had forgotten about the 300,000 kept in a different pocket. On the morning of my departure, zipping up my belongings, I came across the 300,000 and gave them to The Man.

We went to the airport. Just before The Man left me, he said, "Do you have money on you?" I said, "I don't need any Rupiahs, I'm already at the airport." Between yeses and noes exchanged, The Man gave me 300,000, annoying me a bit because that's $30 that will stay as Rupiah as I know I won't bother to get it changed back to Canadian currency.

Turns out when I checked in for the flight, I had to pay a 100,000 departure tax. Good thing I had Rupiahs on me! Then I remembered to buy a carton of duty-free clove cigarettes. It cost 165,000. I had just enough to cover that, plus get a coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So that was quite a trip, and its nice that you are save back home again.
We enjoyed reading your adventures, and the way you write it down. You had never a dull moment, but so did we.
