Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wonky World

It suddenly turned cold. The first day was 4C and raining. I turned the heat back on. The next day was colder. I went out with coat and gloves. I feel discombobulated. A house on our street just listed for $599,000 and it's a crappy reno job inside. I phoned a restaurant to confirm they were open for dinner Monday but when we arrived, they were closed. A good friend's husband has been diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. The world has gone crazy.

I dreamt last night I was walking through a hospital with my 6-year-old niece, Kid2. A nurse brought us into a room and asked if I had told Kid2 about my father. I said no. She then told Kid2 my father had died. We wept inconsolably. I woke up and thought, what was that about?

Mom went home from my house by public transit. Where she usually transfers to a bus, the bus stop was gone. A woman took her into the subway and put her on the right bus. But the bus took her all over town before getting to her destination. It took her almost two hours to get home. She phoned me and accused, "Why didn't you tell me where to get the bus? Why didn't you tell me the old bus stop is no good any more?" I said, "I had no idea they moved the bus stop and changed the route. I can't tell you things I don't know."

I took away The Boy's cell phone because he stays up all night to talk to friends, then sleeps in and misses school. This morning, he said, "I hate you." I said, "That's belligerence." He said, "But I do hate you." I said, "You have to feel what you feel, but don't be rude." He said, "Can I have my phone back?" I said, "No." Will he learn he can't tell people he hates them, then ask them for something?


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