Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another Senior Moment

After the production of Tartuffe at The Boy's school, I went up to the lead actor and introduced myself, congratulating him on his excellent performance. Kids need to hear praise from adults other than their parents and teachers.

I wanted to find the other lead actor to congratulate him too. But I didn't see him. That night, I took mom home and The Boy went to a party with the cast. Then he came home with three friends to sleep over. One of the friends was Phil.

The next day, the kids went off to do their weekend thing. The Boy and Phil went back to the school for the final performance of the show. That night, Phil came to spend the night again. I made them BLTs for lunch the next day.

Today, I had dinner with The Boy after our dentist appointment. The restaurant had a poster of his school's production of Tartuffe on its window. So The Boy and I talked about the play for the first time since I saw it. He really hadn't been home much.

I told him I said hello to the lead who played Tartuffe. The Boy said, Yes, the student told him he met me. I told him I looked for the other lead but couldn't find him. The Boy said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "I mean I looked for him to say hello and congratulate him but I didn't see him in the hall way."

"Mom, that was Phil," he said.

"Your friend Phil?"

"Yes, the guy who slept over two nights in a row and you made him food. You've met him many times."

"Wow. He looked completely different on stage."

"No he didn't. He parted his hair and wore a costume."

"Well, tell him I thought he was terrific."

How did I miss that? These kids are real actors. Phil looks and acts totally like a normal teenager in real life.

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