Sunday, October 01, 2006

Taking Sides

There was a ruckus in the backyard this morning. Not our backyard, but the backyard next door. There were about six people gathered, arguing, loudly. Curious. Because the house next door has been vacant for a couple of months now. No one lives in that house and the new owners have not moved in yet.

We opened the window, because we're nosy like that, and opened the back door so we could see better who was arguing and hear better what the argument was about.

But we could only see one person, who happened to live in the house behind us. Somehow, they had come down the retaining wall next to us, stomped into the neighbour's backyard and fought with the neighbours two doors over.

That's Suspicious Opportunist. The wife stood on her side of the wall and watched her husband do battle. I don't even know what the shouting was about, but I blame Suspicious Opportunist. They are narrow-minded, selfish, ignorant, and opportunitistic. How's that for being impartial?

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