Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Small World, Big Family

My real estate friend sent a note to say the house next door had been sold. A few days later, we saw two women walking around the house. We exchanged hello's. One thing led to another, The Man invited them in to see our house.

Only one of the women was the new owner of the house. The other one was her sister. We showed them around our house. They told us what needs to be done to their house before they can move in. I invited them to the coffee party I was having for Candidate though they didn't come. They seemed like nice people.

Today, we received a phone call from our massage therapist. I hadn't talked to him for almost five years, since our medical benefits ended. Massage Therapist said - Guess what? I'm your new neighbour.

I said - What? How?

- The New Neighbour that you met the other day? That's my wife.

- That's great news. How did you figure out it was us?

- Wife said she met a Sylph and a Man. I wondered, Could it be them? I know you live around there. So I looked your file up, and there is your address, next to the house we bought.

Is that incredible or what? Massage Therapist is one of my favourite people.

Later in the evening, some friends came over. We were heading to a townhall meeting together. Friend said to The Boy - Hey you go to the same school as my neice. Do you know Sister's Daughter?

The Boy said - Yes, we're good friends. She is also a good friend of my buddy, Butterfly Boy.

- Yes, Butterfly Boy has been up to our cottage several times.

Wow. I really like it when The Boy's friends have parents who know each other.

After the townhall meeting, we went for coffee with Friends. Friend said - My daughter lives around here, I wonder if she comes here.

Half way through our meal, who should walk in with her roommate but Daughter! They joined us, we had a nice chat, then we came home.

It was a terrific evening of close encounters of the six degrees kind. You'd think we lived in a small town and not the largest city in Canada.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cool!!!!!! (check out my comment on Turducken