Friday, January 20, 2006

The Ridiculous

See these? Can you even tell what it is? They're taking up space in my drawer.

I bought some underpants this week. You know the bloomers Renee Zellweger threw on Hugh Grant's head in Bridget Jones? Those are the kind I buy. They cover.

So I bought a package of three of those in white. Then I saw a second package that looked just like the package I bought, but with colour. Thinking they are the same type, I bought them.

To my surprise, I came home to open the package and pulled out the above type of underpants. See the thin strip in the middle that is supposed to line the crotch? Why is it so thin? It doesn't cover. Tufts of hair would fan out around the little strip. And it cuts into you if you wear them. You can't walk around with something cutting into you there. Why were these underpants made? What's with that?

I have three pairs of them. Maybe I can use them as a sling for dogs with a broken hip. Think the vet's office would take them?


zTransmissions said...

one thing to take note of is that "the strip" you speak of, the one the tufts of hair would peek out from the sides of? that's supposed to go up your butt crack.

The Sylph said...

I got them backwards? My cheeks have to stand on their own? Now I feel even more ridiculous.

PP said...

A sign of the kind of women we are. A thong? I've heard of them before, but thought they were flip shoes you wear at the beach.

The Sylph said...

Thong? I bought thongs? wtf? The package doesn't say that. I'm looking at the package. It says nothing. How sneaky of Hanes.