Monday, January 09, 2006

Memories Of Childhood

Yesterday, my mother, brother and aunt came for a day of mah jongg, the noisy, sometimes savage tile game played on a card table. My sister and her children came in the afternoon. But she had a presentation to prepare for the next day. So the activities in our house were:

Basement - The Boy occupied his young cousins with movies, music and silliness
First floor - Noisy and verbally aggressive mah jongg game
Second floor - intellectual PowerPoint preparation in the works in the computer room

It was cold out, with a fresh dust of snow on the ground. But inside our house, it was warm, with food aplenty, and the hopping bustle of happy communal living resounded throughout.

I loved having my house occupied so, everyone being together and still engaged in our own pursuits.

It recalls memories of childhood when family and friends were busy in different parts of the house and I was lulled to sleep by the sounds of life carrying on around me. I knew I was part of a wide network of comfort and security even as I met the sandman head on.

That's one of the reasons I like hosting parties at the house, and why I like being friends with parents of The Boys' friends and cousins (but I have to also like the parents too!). I want the kids to feel the comfort and security of their support, know that they are part of the network and trust that it exists even when they are not paying attention.

As an adult now, being part of this environment is a life affirming experience. I end the day thankful that we can come together at least for a day, work towards the common goal of having fun and getting some work done, and leave fortified with the knowledge our support is still good.

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