Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Did It!

I wouldn't say I am technologically savvy at all. I mean, I rely on The Boy to make most of my hardware and software fixes. But when you are desperate, you do it yourself. And I did it. I just attached a new flat screen monitor to our computer!

Front View

Side View

It's easy you say? Stick one end of the cable to the monitor, the other end to the computer. Not so. You have to fiddle with the jumble of wires in the back of the computer and not yank out any of them while you move your computer out from its dark spot under the desk.

And what about the internet modem and router? And the phone line. You gotta keep all those things in place despite the cross tangling and the farm of dust bunnies and their friends barring your way.

Once you connect the cable to the right outlets, you have to test it all before you put the computer back in its nest of mysterious wiring. Everything still works.

I think this qualifies me for nerdom. What's the first rank? Paige or something. Maybe I'll just go straight to knight since I don't have a master to mentor me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go gurl!