Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hot diggity, The Man is home! He brought back a beautiful carpet. It has tones of yellow, brown, blue, and red. It lays on the floor with a subtle presence, warming up the room so you feel it rather than see it.

I asked The Boy to be home for dinner and he complied. It was very nice sitting down as a family, just the three of us. I don't think the three of us have reconstituted since May. When The Man came home in July, the Exchange was here. When we met him in France, there were always people with us.

Immediately, The Man and The Boy made plans to spend time together, take in a movie, see a concert, just hang and chill. Oooh, maybe I can talk them into going camping. Fat chance. The Boy doesn't even want anything organic in his room.

The goal of this home visit for The Man and me is to help The Boy sort out how he should spend this year, and what to put in place for next year. I am doing most of the research. The Boy has no idea what he wants and doesn't know how to go about thinking it through. He seems bogged down by processes.

I phoned his school and the university to get an understanding of his status. If he were to re-apply for university, he needs to go through his new school. If he withdraws from or fails his current courses, it would not affect his academic standing. So if he's not attending class and handing in work enough to improve his grade, why is he in school?

Since he has already been accepted by U of T, if he switches out of Cinema Studies and opts for a program within Humanities and Social Sciences, he would not have to re-apply. So does he want a program within U of T's Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, or does he want to a completely different program or university?

For this academic year, The Boy said he wouldn't mind going to France to take a cooking or sommelier course. Well me neither. I think it will do him good to have something fun and concrete under his belt.

We have much to review and discuss in the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does the Boy have any idea what is involved in a chef or sommelier course?? It may be fun but- Very hard work and I suspect the instructors will demand commitment towards a future career or he won't cut it.