Monday, October 13, 2008

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving. I did most of my dinner prep last night. I even had time to clean the house today. Right now, I'm just sitting here waiting for the turkey to cook.

I had thought of making a turkey dinner today just for The Boy and me, as our Thanksgiving dinner with my family was Saturday. But that would have meant very limited conversation and the meal would be over in 5 minutes, or I would have been eating alone. So I invited some friends over. I bought a 16-lb turkey, much too large for the six of us. But I wanted leftovers to make turkey pot pies this week. We are also having a salad, a vegetable, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and someone is bringing a dessert. Nothing excessive. I am thankful I get to make this dinner and enjoy it with friends. I really like my house filling up with the smell of roasting turkey.

I looked out the window and I saw my neighbour and his uncle outside repairing the fence that came down earlier this year. The uncle taught me how to repair the leak in our bathtub taps a few months ago. Thank you. A few minutes ago, I made arrangements with another neighbour to pool our leftovers tomorrow for another night of feasting. I am glad my neighbours and I are friends.

I am thankful to have good friends I communicate with regularly even if I don't see them as often as I would like.

I see my garden and am thankful I get to work in it. Sorting through the garbage and yard waste, I am thankful I live in a city where recycling is a priority. Despite the unpredictable Fall weather, today is a beautiful 25C. Next weekend, when the weather plummets, I'll be camping. I am thankful for that, I think. So I mounted my metal blue bird of happiness on the fence close to the house where I can see it and be reminded of today's beautiful weather.

I am thankful I am friends with my brothers and sister, that we have regular family gatherings, and that we look after mom together. I am relieved The Boy and I reached a new understanding of what he's doing with his time this year. Most of all, I am thankful for The Man, whose uprightness, doting affection and support make his personality quirks feel like endearing traits.

I have many things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

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