Thursday, October 16, 2008


My aching back. Today was a day of salvaging leftovers. I made crab cakes, turkey pies, soup from scratch, and banana bread. I didn't have to go shopping. All the ingredients I needed I had in the house left over from the many meals of late. What I didn't have I substituted or skipped.

Which means if these refurbished meals are good, I won't ever be able to replicate the dishes quite the same way. But if they aren't any good, thank god I won't be able to repeat them. These are once in a lifetime tastes The Boy and I are about to experience. He doesn't know how lucky he is.

I am also packing for my final camping trip of the year, a last pitch to salvage a carefree lifestyle, prolong the coatless weather. Only, I am bringing a coat. The forecast predicts it will dip down to zero Celsius at night. We'll be sleeping in a yurt, with electricity, heat, and beds. I am bringing my electric coffee maker. But I am still calling it camping. We'll have a camp site and fire pit. We'll still have to cook outdoors, use outdoor washrooms and showers, and bring our own water. This late in the season, the water taps have been turned off.

We are trying very hard to not bring too much food. It's always the food that weighs us down. Already, I know we will be over loaded. We have pre-made all our food. They are soups and sandwiches. I am bringing yogurt, cereal, and fresh fruit for breakfasts. Of course we have wine and brandy. Geez, I hope everything fits into the car. Okay, I'll bring ground coffee and not bring the electric coffee grinder. It'll probably be too cold to swim so I won't bring my bathing suit. But it'll be cold so I better bring a duvet.

We are only away for two nights. The big question is, will we check into an inn the second night to salvage our sanity?

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