Sunday, May 11, 2008

On Being His Mother

It's Mother's Day. The Boy told me he doesn't believe in these forced celebrations. "Who imposed this corporate agenda on us," he asked, "Why only one day of the year and why this particular day, if we truly appreciate our mothers?"

I am so pleased he is questioning these things.

I said, "Don't limit your questioning to Mother's Day. Question also why people are only nice to each other on Christmas Day and why all the shopping is necessary."

He said, "Why do we celebrate birthdays at all? Why do we celebrate adding one more year to your life?"

"Boy," I said, "I have so much to tell you. But it's important you discover these answers for yourself. I can only tell you right now why I choose to partake in these celebrations."

So I offered my views of our society's need for rituals and joint commemorative occasions to keep us civil, feel our community, and have opportunities to honour each other and extract meaning in our lives. Then I said if you feel observing Mother's Day is philosophically wrong and you choose not to participate, I would accept that. Just don't object out of social or budget convenience, that you'd rather be doing some else with your friends, or you have no money to buy me a present.

He said, "I'm not saying I'm not coming to Mother's Day dinner, I just don't understand why it has to be today. It's true that I have to watch my budget. Are you actually expecting a present from me?"

"Mother's Day is actually tomorrow. But my family is having our dinner tonight. And I would like a climbing rose bush of yellow flowers."

"Can't do it, mom," he said, "No money."

"Fair enough. So just come to the family dinner. But remember that on your birthday, I too could object to arbitrary celebrations."

"Well then you'd be doing that out of convenience or spite."

"Probably," I said, surprised that he heard me, then caught me. "It isn't just today that we have dinner with my family. We do that often, and sometimes at our house. Mother's Day is just another get together."

"I guess. But I still want to question why we do what we do. I don't take Philosophy and Modern Western History then forget the lessons, you know."


Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

Agree with The Boy , I think Mother's day is commercial crap. For me it was every day mother's day, and in due time so will it be for the boy, wait untill he get's older.
By the way it was also Pentecost, so there on that part I agree also with you on your views of our society.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I and the mother in-law were very pleased to see you and the Boy on Mother's Day. For us your visit didn't make it just another day Sometimes these special moments remain precious. Love you