Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well, that was a whirlwind of a homecoming for The Man. Despite a quirky start, we had a great time. I can't bare to let him go back to Kabul. But he's gone. I can't tell what's normal any more - life with him here, or life with him in Kabul. I just answered my own question. It's life with him, whether here or there.

The Man is barely on the plane when The Boy phoned home after his concert and said, "Can I sleep over at Butterfly Boy's tonight?"

"What? Dad leaves and you don't want to come home for the night?"


"No, you come home for the night. It's a school night after all."


That is normal, The Boy constantly looking for a bed elsewhere, because it's so boring at home, says he. Not that he puts up much of a fuss when I say no. That's because he knows he's being unreasonable. Honeymoon with The Man is over, and oh god, immediately back to normal with The Boy.

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