Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Fat Gene

I had a boyfriend once who said, Every time I am with you, I get hungry and want to eat. Since then, several girlfriends have also said the same thing to me.

Last week, my 6-year-old niece, Kid2, phoned me up for a dessert date. She had to bring her whole family as chaperone, but it was worth it to spend time with her. After our cakes, she suddenly said to her mom, "I'm hungry. I want a ham and cheese sandwich."

The Boy's friends have told me several times, We get fed so well at your house and we eat more.

Now that Niece is staying with me, this is what's happening. On the day she arrived, she said she lost her appetite a few months ago and her weight dropped to 99 lbs. She's 5' 5". That means her BMI was 16.5. A serious case of being underweight. She's under doctor's orders to gain weight. Imagine that.

We've gone shopping a couple of times to stock the house with food she likes. She's concerned about inconveniencing me, the cost of things, and tells me she doesn't want me to buy things we don't normally use in the house. I tell her, If I don't want to buy food she likes, then why did I invite her to stay with me.

She cooks, does the dishes, does her laundry, offers to clean the house, teaches me teen lingo, goes to yoga and pilates classes with me, suggests we go to the Y gym for the day. In short, she is the daughter that The Boy isn't. But he is the best son, often enough. Last night, he even took her to a movie.

I see Niece is eating. She even had Thai food once when we were out. She eats several times a day, like me. Except her portions are much smaller than mine, and she doesn't eat vegetables but raw carrots and peas. Last night, she ate a Hungry Man dinner. I ate Cheetos. The Boy ate at his friend's a few doors up. It's a long story. Tonight, Niece will make chicken curry pasta. She phoned her mom for the recipe. She said, "I get hungry here. I am eating so much."

Seriously, I think being around me makes people hungry. It's my fat gene transmitting its power across the universe.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad neice is eating whilst with you and the boy. It' true, she has lost her appetite in the past few months. I suspect perhaps there has also been very little for her to do to build up that appetite. Being around you makes people Happy which makes people hungry. Does that make sense? As to the cooking thing, Perhaps she needed to be around someone she knows is a good cook but doesn't have to do it for a living. She has freedom to experiment without the worry of Mom looking over her shoulder. She refers to you as "The cool, fun Aunt" Rock On!

Anonymous said...

Sylph, can I sent my wife to you, she is only 103 lbs with a lenght of 5.48 feet. The other day the doctor asked "do you eat meat"she sure does ( specially when we were over in Canada because there is the meat cheap)and she can also eat as much she wants, but never gains any weight. But I don't mind I love her the way she is for many years.

The Sylph said...

Sure Fryslan, let's fatten your wife up so there is more of her for you to love! We'll give her love handles so you can get a good grip. But don't blame me if you have to buy her bigger clothes, or she curses you for ruining her girlish figure!