Thursday, March 20, 2008

Coming And Going

Right now, my right foot is killing me. I bought a new pair of shoes for this trip to Indonesia. Comfort was paramount. I bought a pair of Hush Puppies. When I put them on before leaving home, I noticed my right shoe was tight. Thinking it would loosen up with wear, I went to the aiport in them. As my feet swelled during the 15 hour flight to Hong Kong, my right shoe grew tighter and tighter. I took off my shoe to examine it. To my horror, my right shoe was size 6.5. My left shoe was size 8. That stupid sales lady put two different sizes in my shoe box! Grr...

It's been so busy the last three weeks I didn't think I would get all my things together for Indonesia. But I stayed up to 1:30 am and was ready. Good thing too. I woke up at 4:30 am and said to myself, I don't have to get up till 5:00 since the taxi doesn't come till 6:00. I swear, 5 minutes later, a knock came at the door and I looked at the clock to see the time was 5:58. Ugh. A splash to wake up. No shower, no make up. Just dressed, grabbed my things, woke The Boy up to say goodbye, and ran into the taxi, all within 10 minutes.

The flight was grueling. 15 hours. The route was not across Canada as I thought, but over Europe and Asia.

I am now technically in Hong Kong, city of my birth. It's only the airport, but it looks very familiar. I think this airport looks just like the airport in New Delhi. But internet access is free, though they have a sign asking users to limit their time to 15 minutes on the computers. I exchanged some money to buy a bottle of water. Then I went into the smoking lounge. I know I sound like a smoker, but I am not. I just wanted to see the smoking lounge because from the escalator, I saw the smoking lounge was a room with frosted windows. But the room was fogged up with smoke. If I were a smoker, I wouldn't have to light a cigarette. Just take a few deep breaths in that room to get my nicotine fix.

Okay, maybe my 15 minutes are up. People are waiting to use the internet.

1 comment:

PP said...

Was it Amy Tan, or one of the characters in her novels, who wrote "The moment I set foot in China, I became Chinese". It is an epiphany I'm expecting to have one day - that moment of suddenly realising who and what I am.