Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mornings In Paradise

Upon waking yesterday, I went down to the basement to discover clean laundry thrown on the floor in front of the washing machine. The arm rest had been taken off the couch and was lying on the floor. What gives? I called down The Boy for an explanation.

He said, Sorry about that. Friend and I moved the couch back from the TV and wanted more room on the couch to sit. Don't ever make my house look like it's been vandalized again, I told him.

This morning, after I made lunches for The Boy and The Man, The Man told me he was going to work from home. The Boy called from the basement where he was about to take his shower, Mom, mom, please come down. It's important.

I recognized that tone. No, I told him, You can get rid of the bug.

Mom, please come down.

I went down and he stood outside the bathroom pointing at a spider near the toilet. I told him, Take some paper towel, pick it up, then take it outside or flush it down the toilet. Then I went back upstairs. He let out a few primal screams.

After The Boy left for school, I started to make the beds, clean up and put the house back in order. The upstairs toilet was clogged. I went to use the basement toilet. It too was clogged. So that's what The Boy did with the little spider. I went back upstairs to get the plunger.

I said to The Man, I can't handle both toilets being plugged. You take care of the one up here.

He said, Impossible, it can't be clogged. That's because he was the last to use it and didn't flush so he wouldn't know it's clogged. I know his tell tale signs. But he took care of the problem.

I cleared the basement toilet.

Then I noticed a huge pile of clean laundry that needs to be folded and put away. The sink is full of dishes from the morning. I have research to do for my friend. I have to write grant applications for another friend. My body is sore from last night's pilates.

Ugh. This is when I want to reach for a chocolate. And there is some from Chinese New Year. I resist, drink coffee and stare at my fish instead.

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