Friday, February 02, 2007

I Live, I Live!

I am so glad to be feeling better. Enough so that I went out for Bro's birthday dinner. Yes, Bro was there too.

This week, The Boy stayed home two days from school with a fever and cough. When he went back to school, I came down with the same thing. But these illnesses take me longer to recover. The Man is so afraid of catching illness from me that he perfunctorily pecked the air above my head when he left the house this morning. But the good thing is, hey, I've lost three pounds in three days! Love these illnesses.

Because of my incontinence, each time I coughed, I squirted. The coughing fits meant I had to really isolate that pelvic muscle and squeeze. I have no doubt I am squeezing the right muscle now for my kegel exercises.

And because I showered for the first time in three days, I feel squeaky clean and fresh. Can't wait till the morning to start my life again.

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