Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Not-Yet Adopted Sons

It's a wonder I haven't adopted The Boy's friends for my own. Their school is holding auditions tomorrow for grade nine admission so there are no classes for them. The Boy invited Butterfly Boy and Handsome Dancer home for a sleepover.

The Boy and Butterfly Boy were already home when I got back. Shortly after, the phone rang. It was a collect call. The recording asked if we would accepted the charges. The Man said, Yes. Then in a hurried, muffled voice, Handsome Dancer said - I'm getting on the subway and will be there in a few minutes. Click.

Apparently, this is what the boys do to communicate. Because Handsome Dancer hadn't identified himself, we don't get charged for the call. I don't quite get this, because we said yes to the accepting the charges, and we don't mind paying for the call. But the boys said they don't want to burden their friends' parents with extra cost.

The Boy and Butterfly Boy then bundled up to go out. It's -14C out, -23C with the wind chill. But they insist on going out to meet Handsome Dancer at the bus stop. It's their duty they said, because it's dark out and Handsome Dancer is travelling alone.

As soon as he got in, Handsome Dancer phoned his mom to let her know he arrived at our house. As they prepared snacks in the kitchen, he said to me - So how are you guys? I haven't talked to you forever.

I said - We've been fine. How's school?

He said - We just did a call back (that's being called back for a second audition for a spring dance production).

- Think you'll get in?

- Hard to say. The teachers are so unpredictable. But it's still important to try out.

- You always get in. You've been in every show I've ever seen.

He gave me a big grin, and I marvelled again at how these boys strike up conversation with us and volunteer information about themselves.

Later, Butterfly Boy came upstairs, waving a glass emptied of chocolate milk and said - Do you mind if I have another drink?

Surprised that he's asking for permission first, I said - Well, just give me ten minutes so I can think about it.

We looked at each other smirking and I said - Yeah, yeah, just help yourself.

Then he said - And do you have any bourbon?

And we both laughed and he went to the fridge to get some more chocolate milk.

They are such nice boys, and so easy to talk to. The Man said, You don't know that they are not doing drugs, robbing banks, and killing cats when you are not with them.

True. I don't know that. But if they are doing those things, at least they would be polite while doing them.

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