Friday, January 26, 2007

Dopey And Goofy

So, that's how it is. Despite their liveliness, their good manners, their good looks, they still have the brains of teenagers. Kind of at the dopey and goofy stage right now.

Last night, The Boy and his friends went out to the shed to bring in the air mattress and pump. It is a vinyl air mattress. In the subzero cold outside, the folded up mattress is frozen. But once they brought the thing inside the house, they tried to force it open. The solid vinyl cracked. Which means there is now a large split in the side of the mattress. But that did not deter the boys. They tried to pump it up and were disappointed it wouldn't inflate. What gives here?

So they brought in the second air mattress and were about to pry it open. I could hear them in the basement discussing how to do it so it wouldn't crack. I couldn't stand it, so I ran down and asked them to put the mattress near a heat vent so it would thaw by itself. I could see three light bulbs flash on over their heads at the same time as they looked up at me, nodded their heads, and mutter, Ah, brilliant, brilliant idea.

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