Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thud. And Thunder.

Bummer. I learned yesterday The Man probably won't come home in April. His contract has been extended for two months without a trip home. So unless something else comes up, I will be a celibate, single mom for a few more months.

Being a working, single mom isn't easy. But I'm not really that. I can imagine though. If I had to work today, my day wouldn't have unfolded the way it did. I wonder if someone isn't looking out for me and my services are required in ways I don't understand.

Today for example, The Boy was sick. He came down with a high fever and I wanted to keep him home. He was insistent that he be at school. His school is competing in the Kiwanis Music Festival and his percussion role was key to the success of his orchestra's performance. He could not let the orchestra down.

I phoned his school and over the course of the morning, spoke to his band teacher twice. The teacher was in a panic that The Boy might not show up. We decided we would wait for his fever to break, I'd take him to the competition venue, he'd play for the ten minutes the school is up, then I'd take him home. I had to do this because in our family, we show up for life.

With the help of Sis the doctor, who happened to have the morning off, I doped The Boy up to enable him to play. And I was still able to render services to Sis in helping her select decorative items for her new home.

The Boy got to his venue early. An organizer was waiting at the door and said, "Are you the famous musician who's sick but is coming in just to perform for his school?" The Boy piped up, "That's me."

Because we arrived early, the school was allowed to performed early. At the same time, Sis received a call to go to work early. So we ran a small errand, picked up The Boy and drove Sis to work. The Boy and I even had a very nice lunch together before heading home.

In the weird way that things often come together in surprising ways, the day unfolded swimmingly.

1 comment:

PP said...

Right down to the Kiwanis Competition being held just minutes from where I live and in the area where I wanted to shop today. It did all go swimmingly.

Now you have been granted a few extra months in your deadline for "getting better". There's always a bright side to everything.