Tuesday, February 14, 2006

United Canada

Canada may be divided politically - what little division there is with all parties moving to the centre once they acquire some power. But there is nothing like the Olympic Games to bring us all tighter together. And it's the women who are doing it.

We've been cheering for the women's hockey team. How can we not when they start out the gate trouncing Italy (16-0) and Russia (12-0). Jennifer Heil, from Spruce Grove, Alberta, won the first gold for Canada. Cindy Klassen from Winnipeg, Manitoba won a bronze. Today, Beckie Scott and Sara Renner won silver for team sprint. Our best skiers come from Alberta. Our best skaters often come from Quebec. In fact, our Olympic athletes come from all corners of Canada to make us proud.

And when they don't do well, we cry with them. We don't say, Oh he didn't do well because he's from XYZ place. No, we cry because one of our own missed a beat or got injured, and after the disappointment, we're still proud of them for their effort and dedication.

Win or lose, we are one emotive union.

For that reason alone, the government needs to fund our Olympic teams more. Their performance on the international stage unite us as a people, regardless of our individual differences. I bet we would have less talk of Quebec separation, Western alienation, and urban-rural divide that require political solutions if we had well-funded national teams whose accomplishments and efforts give reason for Canada to celebrate and be celebrated.

Know what The Boy is planning? He wants to get up at 6:30 am to watch the men's hockey team's opening game. 6:30! See, we're with our national teams through thick and thin.

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