Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Do They Do It?

We are snowed in and out there, it's -23C with the windchill. That means there is wind and it's cold. To go outside, I bundled up.

Out there, I saw women stylishly put together. They have matching hats and coats. Their scarves complement their gloves and boots. They skip gingerly across the icy patches in their high heels boots looking cozy, snug and smug.

I am not one of those women. How do these smug women do it? Do they have better balance than me? Even the older ones? Did they excel in the balance beam at school? Do they still have strong inner core control? Do they read more fashion magazines than I do and buy new matching winter gear each year?

I am the frumpled bag lady you see skidding and sliding on men's robotic Sorel boots. I am the barrage of winter gear waddling across the snowy parking lot. I can't see out from under my oversized floppy baret with the front peak. Maybe it's a little box hat I need with my faux fur instead. Maybe other women spend more than $69 on their faux fur. Maybe they don't wear Sorels with their faux fur.

I speculate because I caught my reflection in a store window on St. Clair and gave myself a fright.

But you know, at least I can paint a heron on a plate and be darn pleased about it.


PP said...

OK - that plate made me LOL. I'll take that one if I can't have the moose. Pleeeease?

Did your reflection give you a fright because for just an instant, you thought you saw Mom? I always figured that's where I got my natural haggyness and love of practical clothing from. You always seemed to have so much more style than me, I figured you hadn't inherited that gene. Maybe it's a late onset gene expression - as you get older, you're becoming more like Mom. Yes, it's Mom coming out in you.

Anonymous said...

It's the weight. These stylish wispy truly sylph-like women aren't afraid to fall on ice because it wouldn't hurt even if they did. That's how they do it. You, sylph-wannabe, on the other hand, will experience pain if you fell. But, take comfort in the fact that they are just superficial souls trapped in their me-too lemming fashionista pursuits. Meanwhile, keep painting. The true artistic soul doesn't care about these things. Keep waddling across the ice bundled up, warm and happy in your own world. That's a really nice crane by the way. You should sign those plates and give them out as Christmas gifts next year.