Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

This round, The Man took a bit longer to adjust to being home and I have not had much alone time with him. I know he left an intense work situation in Kabul and he's in the process of giving up his house there. From that to home, where he is completely cut off from the things that occupied his time, energy and thought.

But now that we've had Christmas (several times), he's gone to the gym, and we've been out with Outrageous and Red, he's settling in. He told a neighbour today it feels like he went to Kabul for the weekend and now he's back. Well, that's better. This is where his home is, not in Kabul.

This being New Year's Eve, I can't carry my crime into the New Year. So here's where I unload my secret. I arranged many appointments for The Man through his doctor. Regular check up stuff. His doctor had clued in that he's over 50 so suddenly sent him to all kinds of screening tests. The Man went to an 8 AM abdominal scan on December 24. But the clinic sent him home. They never received a requisition for the scan from his doctor. On December 30, he went back to his doctor. It was an appointment to review the results of his scan. But because he didn't have the scan done, the doctor didn't see him. The receptionist said, "I'm sure I faxed them the requisition but I guess I'll fax it again."

Meanwhile, cleaning out my things today, I came across the requisition his doctor's office sent for the scan. They had mailed it to me. I forgot about it. I thought the receptionist had phoned me to tell me about the appointment. So The Man went to two appointments for nothing because I forgot he had received the appointment in the mail.

Is this my way of telling The Man? Maybe. But he doesn't read my blog when he is home, so maybe not. But I'm not going into the new year alone with this burden.

May 2009 bring you peace, prosperity, and happiness. May we take better care of the earth so she can take better care of us. May we tap into our inner goodness so we can be good to each other. Peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sylph.
