Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Homemade is Best

I'm all giddy. The Man will be home Thursday afternoon. I am doing my best to clean up the house. But what I really wish for is a spare room I can just throw all my junk into. Who knew I was the messy one?

I've been sorting out my befana outfit. The hags gather to sing on Friday, the night of Winter Solstice. I've put away all my sewing and sketching. My homemade Christmas cards have not materialized this year so I resorted to store-bought ones. My attempt involved trying to glue foliage to card. Ah well, I will plan it better next year. But I have received four homemade cards so far this year. Aren't they beautiful?

My friend's daughters made this card. The drawing is of Murray, their dog. Inside, they wrote "Murry Christmas!"

My book club buddy, Lindsey, made this card. The church is a rubber stamp dipped in red paint and she's glued snowflakes to the card. She said at her cottage in the summer, they had nothing to do, so she and her daughters made Christmas cards.

This drawing is done by Kai, my 5-year-old neighbour next door. She has an amazing sense of colour and composition. Her mom has put many of her art work in the backyard and in the house. Her mom made colour photocopies of the drawing and pasted the copy onto a card.

This one is done by Carol, another neighbour. She makes cards each year. When you meet her, you'd never know she has the patience to do arts and crafts.

Instead of making cards, I layed out a newspaper for a friend's school and planned a light dinner of soup and salad, cheese and bread, for The Man's return. That's because they feed you lots on those multi-legged flights. My dinner will be homemade. I know when I got home from India, I craved home cooking and fresh vegetables.

So then. Clean house, check. Trimmed tree, check. Food, check. Groomed me, check. Yeah, I 'm ready for him to come home.


PP said...

Is he home for Christmas or home for good?

The Sylph said...

Home for Christmas only. He leaves for Kabul again January 9.