Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wandering Mind

I am absolutely loving the book Eat, Pray, Love. There is a part where the author is in India and she describes the internal dialogues that take place when she tries to meditate. I know well what she means. Only, my internal dialogues aren't as conversational. They are more flitting and vacuous.

For example, today, I tried to meditate. These were my thoughts during the attempt:

- Just pay attention to your breathing and block everything else out. In, out, in, out, breath naturally, don't control your breathing. Watch the natural rhythm of your breathing...

- I wonder if I should come up with a chant. That's what Liz Gilbert did in the book.

- Think about that later. Righ now, in, out, in, out....

- Maybe I should turn the fan on. I'd be more comfortable that way. It's kind of hot in this room.

- In, out, in, out...

- I could save time if I put on a facial mask. I could meditate and do a facial at the same time.

- Good idea. Bet having facial mud on would give my skin a tight sensation which would help me concentrate on me while I am meditating.

- Wonder if The Man sold any of his stuff at his brother's garage sale.

- Wonder if The Boy made money being a helper. Maybe I wouldn't have to give him so much next week if he's got money of his own to spend.

- I really should go down to No Frills. They've put their garden stuff on sale now. I need red impatiens to finish my art project on the fence. I should get them before they are sold out.

- What's with that? It's not even July and they put their garden stuff on sale.

- Whoa, whoa, I am wandering. Deep breath in, now out. In out in out...breath naturally....

- There's nothing natural about watching myself breath.

- Shut up and clear your mind.

- I need a drink of water.

- Maybe I need to pee instead.

- Which is it?

- Both. I need to do both.

- Geez, what kind of an old lady am I to need to do both at the same time. Maybe my body is screwed up.

- No no, my blood pressure was great this morning. 114/74.

- Is that too low? That's a morning reading. Bro said blood pressure readings are highest in the morning.

- Meditating, watching fish, gardening all help to lower my blood pressure.

- Only I'm not meditating right now, am I?

- No, I am wandering all over the place.

I confess I don't have deep profound thoughts while trying to meditate. In fact, I quite feel like an air-headed bimbo. They say the real you surface when you clear your mind. I wonder if the real me is the bimbo, or is the bimbo trying to get in the way of clearing my mind.

No enlightenment for me today.


Anonymous said...

Here's the thing- I don't think that meditation is your thing. Go into the garden, plant something, look at your fish, read a good book, leisurely cook an exotic meal, take a long bath. All these things will lower your blood pressure whilst allowing your mind to wander but at least you won't be sitting still, over- concentrateing on your next breath

Anonymous said...

Postnote- And think of this- brother in-law number 3 just sold his house for 631K. That alone will make my mind wander too!

The Sylph said...

631!! 82K over asking price. That's almost a whole house in a small town extra. I'm so happy for them.

Anonymous said...

Like you said Sylph it was a attempt.I agree with sil2 go into the garden. Lay down in the grass, face down and smell it, or face up and watch the clouds go by. What a wonderful world we live on, and your blood pressure will go down.


PS : That's about 425.000 euro's
must be a nice house.