Saturday, June 09, 2007


So many rounds of good eats lately, and so much pleasant company. First, there was dinner with my Fab5 friends. Yup, there are five of us, and we are fabulous. Then there was an impromptu dinner with the family and mom. The Man brought her home one night unexpectedly so we all went out for dinner. And tonight, I am making dinner for my brother-in-law's family.

I'm pleased with myself. I have shown tremendous restraint and discipline so far. Not once did I overeat and through it all, I have kept my blood pressure under 140/90. In fact, most of the time, I come in under 130/80. Last night, I even had a reading of 113/72.

All this is to say this self-restraint is new to me and I rock.

After dinner...

I am so ashamed of myself. I had been so good. Then tonight after dinner, I had two Hagen Daaz ice cream bars. Bro said, Two? One is not bad enough?

He is so right. And now I can't sleep because I am so unnecessarily full. I wonder why being lactose intolerant doesn't scare me away from ice cream. I guess I'm like those people with emphysema who won't stop smoking.

Well. This is like all those predictions out there about celebrities who go into rehab. They always relapse and it takes a few tries. The ice cream tonight was just a relapse.

But the good thing is, the house is clean again. I like having people over for dinner because The Man, The Boy and I all do our part to clean the house, tidy the garden and prepare the food. We are a good team. Over a leisurely visit and dinner, I had a chance to catch up with my brother-in-law's family. I also made further plans for The Boy and The Exchange when they get to Toronto. And I finished two books tonight.

So. So I am not going to beat myself up any more. And I look forward to more gardening tomorrow so I can sweat out the damage of the ice cream.

Middle of the night...

Oh god, I am so silly. I can't sleep because sister-in-law made coffee after dinner. Because I don't have a coffee scoop, she couldn't measure out the right amount of coffee. Her estimate was way, way off and she made the coffee ultra strong. Even though I watered mine down three times, I still felt it was too strong. That's more likely the reason I'm wide awake in the middle of the night. Stupid coffee.

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