Sunday, June 24, 2007

Teenage Mutant Muscians

It wasn't just Journey tunes the boys played at the kung fu studio, they did some Beatles and some other rock songs I recognized but don't know the names of.

I marvel at how musically versatile the boys are. For example, The Boy plays drums, and apparently keyboard. He also sang a duet with Butterfly Boy! Butterfly Boy sings, and he drummed a bit and played the guitar! Genius was brought in to play drums, but lo and behold, there he was playing guitar and sang a solo!

The boys took on different roles because aside from doing their prepared songs, they were jamming with my kung fu master and his band. Men in their late 40's playing with the boys. Genius said, "That's the older generation playing with us young 'uns." It was amazing how they just needed to exchange a few words about chords and keys and everyone was off playing songs they've never played before. The world of musicians is becoming more and more of a mystery to me.

I said to one of the old generation musicians, "Are you surprised that the boys know all these old songs?"

He said, "Yes and no. When I was young, I played songs from before my time. They're doing the same thing. I am surprised at how good they are."

Later, I said to the boys, "You have to continue playing together and add to your repetoire."

The Boy said, "We're just a cover band. It'd be different if we did our own material."

"You're teenagers. Everyone starts out doing cover. Then you evolve from there to your own thing. It just means spending time writing music instead of going to parties and having sleepovers."

There was a sudden silence in the back seat of the car. I could feel the boys exchanging looks. Then a guffaw and heckle at the very suggestion. So yes, yes, a big invitation to everyone to their CD launch, if they can take time out from socializing to write their own songs.

Thing is, these boys look young and act younger, especially The Boy. For example, when he went to the CN Tower with his friends, he walked up to the cashier and said, "One please." The cashier issued him a Child ticket. Child is for kids 12 and under. The cashier must've thought they were a bunch of 12- and 13-year-olds. I often think that when I see them together, even though one of them just got his driver's licence, and one just finished high school. Mutants, all of them.

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