Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bull In A China Shop


Since I've been home, I've broken a salad bowl, a wineglass and a large tumbler. I've burned my hand cooking and nearly sliced a finger starting up some antique fans The Man keeps in the basement.

Like most things, I blame the weather. I don't know if the heat and humidity of the past few days unbalances me, or if it's really resentment directed at the fact that we are getting heat and humidity at the beginning of June. But thank god all that abated today.

I opened the windows this morning to cool air. Still damp, and it's going to rain for the next three days. But cool and refreshing. Early this morning, I went out in the garden to put in some more plants so when the rain comes, they will get a really good soaking.

All would have been well if I hadn't ruined two changes of clothes. What was I thinking, wearing good clothes to do gardening? To be fair, I wasn't thinking of gardening when I got dressed this morning. After putting in a few plants, I was puzzled as to why my clothes were dirty. So I changed into a second set of good clothes. Soiling this second set was inexcusable. Only when I rested the watering can on my leg and saw the dirt on my pants did I realize what I was doing. So into the house again for shorts and a t-shirt.

The Boy is off to see Pirates of the Caribbean, The Man is still in Port Hope, which leaves me a few hours to obsess over cleaning the house and prettifying the garden to beat the rain.

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