Saturday, June 16, 2007

Evening With Family

The Boy is in exams right now. He wrote his first yesterday. "Do well," I said before he left the house.

"Mom," he said, "It's Biology. I want to do well in the exam. That's the only way I will pass the course."

Arrrgh. Party boy, border-line delinquent, and president of the student council. But it was Butterfly Boy's birthday so I gave The Boy some money and asked him to take Butterfly Boy to lunch after the exam. A group of them were going with Butterfly Boy to visit the CN Tower for his birthday.

When I got home from running errands in the afternoon, The Boy phoned. He said, "Mom, guess where I am!"


"I'm at the top the CN Tower. It's so cool. We're standing here looking down at the city and there's nothing between me and the ground below but these wires in front of me. If they break, we'd all fall smashing to the ground!"

"Well I hope they don't break and you boys don't jump."

"Okay, we won't. It's so great up here, the exam went well and I am having such a great day, I just wanted to phone to say hi. I'll see you at the dentist later. Love you."

Awww. The little prince, apple of my eye, got me twisted around his little pinky.

I met him at the dentist's office an hour later and got him set up with antibiotics in case his wisdom teeth act up in France. He's having oral surgery to remove all four of his wisdoms at the end of August. Will he turn into a dumb-ass after (vs. being a smart-ass now)?

We took my box to Dufferin Mall, where they really have an official Fido outlet, to exchange my cell phone for one that works. While in the mall, we got The Boy a shirt, some socks, and an over-sized red bath towel just because the towel was red and it was there.

The Boy got home to a flurry of phone calls with his friends. The sleepover that was planned at our house had been moved to Butterfly Boy's so his parents can do a birthday cake for him.

The Boy graced us with his company for dinner and I quickly put together some leftovers. A friend and I had been exchanging phone messages for a few days now and finally, tonight, we connected. We made plans for me to go into her school to put together their year-end school newsletter. I was relieved that got settled as the school year ends in two weeks.

The Man and I then drove across town to the Beaches to drop The Boy off at Butterfly Boy's.

Queen Street at the Beaches was bustling. Lots of shops and restaurants wanting your business and throngs and throngs of people wanting to give it to them. I love that about the Beaches. Driving along, The Man spied a discount store with racks and racks of jackets on offer. He pulled over, elbowed his way into the store and bought a Perry Ellis sports jacket for $60, marked down from $250, the sign said.

We stopped for coffee at the Tango Palace. Who knows why it's called that. They only serve coffee and cookies and there is certainly no room for tangoing. Over coffee in their patio and the cool breeze, I closed my eyes and gave thanks to a good evening, then I demanded The Man go back to the counter to get me a giant shortbread cookie with embedded chocolate chunks. It was very good.


Sparky said...

Hey Sylph, if I put 2 and 2 together, that means you didn't blog the giant shortbread cookie with embedded chocolate chunks. Doesn't it suck to get caught?

The Sylph said...

:-P (raspberries)

PP said...

I love Tango Palace. It's where Fiance and I met on our first date. I take the kids there regularly. I like the decor - the angel blowing her trumpet from the wall, the antique baby carriage on top of the fridge - and I like that they do fortune telling there weekly, used to allow dogs in and are really a gay positive hangout. The desert squares are great too.