Friday, May 18, 2007

Misery And Victory

I am wretched. My cough is violent and persistent. Despite a two-day relief from the hacking and a change in medication, the cough is back full force. I throw up from coughing day and night, my stomach hurts. I can barely stand up. I've cancelled social plans. I can barely concentrate on anything from lack of sleep.

In the midst of this misery, The Boy phoned to say he's staying over night at a friend's. The bunch of them are practising their band number. They are a Journey cover band but are preparing other songs too. They are rehearsing for a summer talent show.

In the middle of relaying his plans for the evening, he casually let drop, "And yeah, I was elected student council president today. But I am at school right now and I am only revealing a quarter of how excited I feel. I'll fill you in tomorrow."

Well. He did it. School council president. On Mother's Day, The Man took him to Port Hope to visit his grandmother (while I spent the afternoon with David Copperfield). He got his grandmother to help make buttons for his campaign. Earlier this week, I brought my mother over to do the same.

I marvel at all the family support he gets for his ventures, regardless of what it is - fundraising for the school, trips, personal collections of hot toys, games, videos and comic books, social plans, elections. He's living the childhood I never had and I am so glad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fryslân 23-5-07


Sorry to hear that you are so
ill , hope that you get better

" wonder"