Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fishy Dreams

I got a pair of new fish! They are penguin tetras, supposedly peaceful, community fish. They have an amazing black stripe along the body that extends to the tip of the tail, making them look like they have a crooked tail.

I learned today that Sis has many fish dreams. I think she's dreaming about the things I do with fish, such as transferring fish from one tank to another, finding dead fish on the floor because they've jumped, and seeing fish float about in mid-air. I sit there and watch the fish in my tank and often think it's like they're in mid-air.

Then she told me about a dream she had where I arranged a family vacation for a cottage under water. To get inside it, you have to swim through the window. Sis didn't want to be there so she swam back to the top. I was pretty sure that was my dream. In the dream, I was puzzled as to why I would arrange for such a location where breathing was so difficult for us. I wanted to swim back to the top and not go back to the cottage, but I felt guilty that since I had arranged the vacation, I couldn't very well leave my family there while I took off for somewhere more enjoyable. So I stayed put, but the whole time, longed to be elsewhere.

Did Sis and I have the same dream? Or did she tell me about her dream once and I fixated on it in my daydream. Or did I have the dream and told Sis about it, so she borrowed my dream and adapted it for her own? I don't know.

I only know I have penguin tetras, that I bought them because I liked their name, and that the fish lady at the pet shop told me they were compatible with platys. I watch the penguin tetras interact with the platys in the tank. They are much faster swimmers. They eat food by catch the fish flakes as they fall to the bottom. They have bigger mouths than platys. If there were still small baby platys around, I have no doubt the penguin tetras would eat them. This is no dream.

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