Saturday, May 05, 2007

Be Well

I am trying to groove with this warm weather. Usually, when the sun is out and the air is warm, I get anxious. Not spring fever. But anxiety that comes from feeling life is passing me by.

But this spring, I am feeling rather optimistic. I am determined to landscape our backyard. I am determined to not go under like a vampire when it's bright and sunny out.

I have filled my calendar with impossible to keep all appointments of things I could do and places I could visit at certain hours if I find myself wondering what it's all about.

Today, I started planting again. I moved some ferns and bought some flowers for my containers. I booked The Boy's flight to France. Yup, he's going for just over three weeks for an exchange at the end of June, then come back with the boy from France. Our guest will spend one month with us. We will do group camping for one week, a wilderness camping trip for a weekend, a trip to Ottawa and Montreal, and a visit to Niagara Falls. The rest of the time I hope The Boy will introduce his exchange friend to his regular friends and hang out.

The Man roto-tilled our backyard because his friend did it and happened to have the roto-tiller available. Then he ran out and bought sod. I said, "Just because your friend is doing his backyard, you don't have to get grass-envy."

He said, "How will it be when we invite them over for a BBQ and they see the mess that is our backyard?"

I thought that's no reason to sod the backyard. But then, I don't have a better plan for landscaping yet and we do have the French exchange coming, so it wouldn't hurt to make the backyard more comfortable the easiest way possible. So sod it is. For now. Changes can be made later.

Night has fallen and The Man is out there sifting the soil in the dark. I don't know. He gets possessed with an idea so easily. Or he just likes mucking about in the dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as The Man wasn't out there with a flash light on his head and tin cans strapped to his legs...Worm hunting! It would be a sure sign of "somethin's up."

When he's done at your place, or you just want to get rid of him, he's welcome to make something of our yard!