Thursday, April 19, 2007

Up To No Good

In our hood, there are several groups that have aligned themselves with our ward's scummy city councillor. The City recently concluded a criminal investigation on Scummy. There was no paper trail to tie him to illegal activities like money laundering and racketeering, but the charity organization that's behind him got its charity licence suspended till they clean up their financial filings.

These groups support Scummy because he uses what influence he has with city staff to help them advance their self interest, such as not paying taxes and getting special permits to do things to their houses that City bylaws don't allow. Even though these groups represent self interest and don't let others into their groups, they tell the City they are the voice of the community.

So we decided to fight fire with fire. Last night, I was invited to attend the formation of our own community group. We call ourselves Ward Watch. We are watching the political activities in our ward, which group is saying what, and issuing a newsletter to let everyone know.

And we decided to adopt the undemocratic model for our group. New members may join by invitation only. We talked about how not to let our enemies crash our meetings. We kidded about having an initiation process for joining our secret society. We joked about developing secret handshakes and wearing hoods to attend meetings.

After all is said and done, we really are just a like-minded group of people with the common interest of making sure the arts is incorporated into our community and that our politicians' activities are open and transparent.

Except for one person, who said, in the interest of being transparent, I want to let you know that my goal in joining this group is to see Scummy put in jail. At least her vendetta is out in the open.

I am going to steer us to operate more like freemasons rather than the Klan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should proceed with caution. There may be mafia connections because the area is primarily Italian. I know I sound paranoid and racist. Not all Italians belong to the Mafia but I suspect all Italians know someone who is somehow connected. I used to work weekends at a pharmacy near Lansdown and St. Clair. Those patients who were "connected" would be pointed out to me by the dispensary assistants. There seems to be a silent unspoken but acknowledged existence of these members within the Italian community. They were given preferential treatment in terms of less waiting time in doctors offices, etc. I would suspect that Scummy city councilor is one of the "connected" and you may be wise to tread lightly and keep your freemason membership a secret.